Happy Birthday, Mark Twain

2010 has been the year of Twain, to be sure. A plethora of library exhibits, big ticket items at auction ("A Family Sketch" taking in $242,500), and the surprise bestseller of the year, Autobiography of Mark Twain: The Complete and Authoritative Edition, volume 1. Subscribers read all about this amazing year in our current issue (if you're not one of them, go here.)

With the month that remains in this exciting year, you can still catch the Twain train at the Morgan Library & Museum's Mark Twain: A Skeptic's Progress through January 3, 2011. Or check out the holiday-related festivities at the Mark Twain House & Museum in Hartford, Connecticut.

Twain was born on this day in 1835, and he died on April 21, 1910. The photo seen above is by Matthew Brady, from 1871.