January 2015 |
Bibliography Week: January 20 - 24 in New York City
Today marks the start of Bibliography Week in New York City, a yearly event where national organizations devoted to book history hold their annual meetings. Bibliophiles from around the world descend on the city for these bibliographic meetings - but also for the wealth of bookish events planed by allied groups.
A schedule follows, courtesy of The Grolier Club:
?? Colloquium on Children's Books. Grolier Club: 1:00 pm-5:00 pm. A half-day colloquium on children's books: "Journeys Through Bookland: Explorations in Children's Literature," held in connection with the Grolier Club exhibition "One Hundred Books Famous in Children's Literature," brings together six children's literary experts who will guide participants through highlights in the history, present and future of the book for children. Admission: $75 for adults, $25 for students. Space is limited, and reservations are required. Please contact Grolier Club Administrative Assistant Maev Brennan at the Club (212-838-6690, x7) or via email at mbrennan@grolierclub.org.
?? Rethinking the Book Arts: New Perspectives on Building the National Collection, a talk by Mark Dimunation, Chief, Rare Book and Special Collections Division, The Library of Congress. 6:00 pm-7:30 pm. In the Columbia Rare Book and Manuscript Library (203 Butler Library, Columbia University). Reception to follow in the RBML on the 6th floor of Butler Library, where the exhibition "Diverse Characters: An Exhibition of Letterforms and Books by Russell Maret" will be on view.
?? The Literature of the Liberation, 1944-1946, a lecture by Sir Charles Chadwyck-Healey. At the Grolier Club: 2:30-3:30 pm. An exhibition of this material, drawn from Sir Charles' collection, will be on show at the Grolier Club beginning Thursday, January 22.
?? Booklyn's Fine Press Salon is Open. At Booklyn, 37 Greenpoint Avenue, 4th Floor, Greenpoint, Brooklyn. You are invited to visit from 11:00 am to 5:00 pm to peruse new and innovative fine press books from around the world, including rare works by Wolfgang Buchta, Lesley Dill, Peter Koch, Ruth Lingen, CTL Presse, Veronika Schapers, Mark Wagner, Xu Bing and more. Please contact Marshall Weber (718-383-9621, or mweber@booklyn.org) for more information. For more details on Booklyn, visit www.booklyn.org.
?? The 131st Annual Meeting and Dinner of the Grolier Club. At the Metropolitan Club, 1 East 60th Street, at Fifth Avenue (two blocks west of the Grolier Club). Grolier Club members only, please.
?? Booksellers' Showcase. At Christ Church Methodist, 520 Park Avenue (at 60th Street). A special mini-antiquarian book fair, sponsored by the Antiquarian Booksellers Association of America, 10:00 am to 4:00 pm in the Parish Hall of Christ Church Methodist, next door to the Grolier Club.
?? The annual meeting of the Bibliographical Society of America. At the Cosmopolitan Club, 122 E 66th Street (Park and Lexington): . Papers from New Scholars at 2 pm, Annual meeting at 4 pm, with address by Craig Kallendorf, Professor of English and Classics at Texas A&M University, on "The Medium Is the Message: Printing the Classics, from the Hand Press to the Computer Age". Reception follows at 6 pm.
?? Center for Book Arts: Winter Open House, and Special Exhibition Tour. At the Center for Book Arts, 28 West 27th Street, 3rd floor. From 11 am to 2 pm participants can see artists conduct hands-on demonstrations, tour the Center's Jane Mead Timken Printshop, and talk to CBA staff about courses and programs. From noon to 1 pm the Center will offer a special tour of the current exhibition [TBA]. For more details, visit the Center for Book Arts website.
?? "The History of Material Forgery," a lecture by Nick Wilding. At the New York Academy of Medicine, 1216 Fifth Avenue (at 103rd Street). 11 am. Contact Arlene Shaner, Reference Librarian for Historical Collections, at 212-822-7313, or ashaner@nyam.org.
?? The annual meeting of the American Printing History Association. At the New York Public Library, Fifth Avenue and 42nd Street, Trustees' Room, Second Floor: Reports on this year's activities and initiatives; presentation of the Individual and Institutional Awards; news and information exchange, beginning at 2:00 pm; lively reception follows.