Stamp Act Placard, Champlain’s Voyages, Philip K. Dick in Pulps: Auction Preview

Stamp Act defiance placard, one of just two known surviving copies, offered at Christie's New York this week.
A quiet week in the salerooms, but here's what I'll be watching this week:
On Wednesday, January 17 at Christie's New York, 155 lots of Fine Printed and Manuscript Americana. Expected to lead the way is one of just two known copies of a manuscript placard hung in New York in October 1765 in defiance of the Stamp Act; the other copy is in the UK National Archives. Michael Hattem's excellent lot essay is well worth a read.
The placard is expected to sell for $4–6 million. A copy of the letter from Robert E. Lee accepting Ulysses S. Grant's surrender terms, on manifold paper, is estimated at $600,000–800,000. Each estimated at $300,000–500,000 are a copy of the first edition of Champlain's Voyages (1613) and a nearly complete run of the Jesuit Relations of New France.
Potter & Potter holds an online sale of Printed Books & Manuscripts on Thursday, January 18, in 488 lots. Lots include papermaker James Whatman's copy of a 1568–69 edition of the Geneva Bible, a nearly complete set of Philip K. Dick's pulp manuscript appearances, and a copy of the Autograph Edition of Anatole France's Works (1924).