Fresh Perspectives Symposium Focuses on Next Generation of Rare Book Collectors and Professionals

Winterthur Library/Bibliographical Society of America

Image from G. Darcy, Or et Couleurs, circa 1923 courtesy of the Winterthur Library

The Fresh Perspectives Symposium, hosted by the Winterthur Library, runs next week aimed at the next generation of rare book, manuscript, and special collections professionals, scholars, and enthusiasts. 

Held on Zoom on March 18 (from 1 pm Eastern) and March 19 (3.30pm -5pm Eastern). According to the organisers: "Over a series of four moderated conversations throughout 2025, symposium participants will reflect on their career paths, goals, and experiences in the field thus far, with the aim of highlighting innovative approaches to and conversations around the nature of collecting. Speakers will include book collecting prize winners and practicing and aspiring library and bookselling professionals.

This event series is funded by the Bibliographical Society of America.

On March 18 the speakers will be Jullyana Araujo (PhD student at UNIRIO/MAST), Sarah Finn (Librarian, Milwaukee Public Library) and Jordan Dean Ross (PhD student at Penn). Speakers on day two on March 19 will be Finch Collins (Assistant Curator of Rare Books, Linda Hall Library), Auroura Morgan (artist, Tempest Tattoo Studio, and winner of the 2023 Honey & Wax Book Collecting Prize) and Patrick Matherly (aspiring bookseller).