September 1, 2017 | Rebecca Rego Barry

Postcard from Baltimore

JB1_1976 copy.jpgThe results are in for the 37th annual Baltimore Art, Antique & Jewelry Show, held just last weekend. According to a press release issued by the Palm Beach Show Group, "The show attracted robust crowds of knowledgeable collectors and respected dealers from around the world who came to purchase from the extensive array of merchandise offered by more than 325 prominent exhibitors. Over the show's two-day set-up and four-day tenure, the Baltimore Convention Center welcomed more than 25,000 collectors."

Nestled within the larger show was the Baltimore Antiquarian Book Fair. B&B Rare Books of New York City reported the sale of a rare edition of Galileo's Systema Cosmicum valued at over $12,000 as well as a set of the four Winnie-the-Pooh books valued at over $10,000.

Image courtesy of the Palm Beach Show Group