October 1, 2012

Mark Samuels Lasner Fellowship in Printing History

The American Printing History Association (APHA) is pleased to announce a fellowship award for the study of printing history. An award of up to $2,000 is available for research in any area of the history of printing in any form, including all the arts and technologies relevant to printing, the book arts, and letter forms. Applications are especially welcome from those working in the area of American printing history, but the subject of research has no geographical or chronological limitations, and may be national or regional in scope, biographical, analytical, technical, or bibliographical in nature. Study related to the history of printing with a recognized printer or book artist may also be supported. The fellowship can be used to pay for travel, living, and other expenses.
APHA fellowships are open to individuals of any nationality.

Applicants need not be academics and an advanced degree is not required.

Previous APHA Fellowship recipients have included David Shields in 2012 for work on his “A Handlist of 19th & 20th Century Wood Type Specimen Books,”Gwido Zlatkes in 2011 for an oral history project on underground printing in Communist Poland, Jacob W. Lewis in 2009 for his work on the photogravure printing of Charles Nègre; Pablo Alvarez and Keli E. Rylance in 2008 for work on one of only two known extant copies of /Institución y origen del arte de la imprenta, y reglas generales para los componedores/, written in 1680 by Spanish printer and compositor Alonso Víctor de Paredes; Renzo Baldasso in 2007 for his study of graphic representations by Erhard Ratdolt; Paul Shaw in 2006 for a full length biography of W. A. Dwiggins; Lance Hidy in 2005 for work on the Society of Printers; Susanna Ashton in 2004 for work on African-American printer, publisher, editor and poet William Stanley Braithwaite; and John A. Lane in 2003 for work on the type specimens of the Voskens/Maapa Foundry.

Applicants are asked to submit an application form, curriculum vitae, and a one-page proposal. Two confidential letters of recommendation specific to this fellowship should be sent separately by the recommenders.

Applications and letters of support must be received by Monday, December 3, 2012. An announcement of the award will be made at the APHA annual meeting, to take place in New York on Saturday, 26 January 2013.

An application form is available at the APHA website at

To receive an application form by mail contact the Fellowship Committee at fellowship@printinghistory.org

or from the committee chair at this address:

Fellowship Committee
c/o Jane Siegel
Rare Book and Manuscript Library
Columbia University
Butler Library, Sixth Floor
535 West 114th Street
New York, NY 10027

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