May 8, 2010 | Rebecca Rego Barry

Lilly Library Book

FB&C columnist Joel Silver, who also happens to be the curator of books at the Lilly Library (and the author of this month's music feature), has written a book about collectors Josiah Kirby Lilly, Jr. and Dr. A.S.W. Rosenbach, from whom Lilly bought many books and manuscripts. Lilly's collection was particularly strong in American and British literature, American history, voyages and travels, and the history of science and medicine. Dr. Rosenbach and Mr. Lilly: Book Collecting in a Golden Age profiles these two men but also offers "a microcosm of a great age of book collecting" in the earlier decades of the twentieth century.

The book was printed in a letterpress edition of 140 copies on Arches mouldmade paper and quarter-bound in African goat skin by Bird & Bull Press. Books can be purchased for $425 by contacting