A. Dean Larsen Book Collecting Conference Marks its 10th Year
The A. Dean Larsen Book Collecting Conference is gearing up for the tenth time with sessions on collecting British illustrators, American fine printing, Yellowstone travel accounts, and of course seminars on Mormon materials.
Visiting presenters include award winning illustrator Bethanne Andersen and Shane J. Chism, author of A Selection of Early Mormon Hymnbooks, 1832-1872.

The conference will be held on March 22, 2013 in the Harold B. Lee library on the campus of Brigham Young University in Provo, Utah. There will also be 3 pre-conference workshops on March 21.
The conference is underwritten by the Larsen family in honor of A. Dean Larsen. Larsen was the Director of Collection Development at the Harold B. Lee library from the 1960s until the 1990s. During his tenure the library’s collections grew from 300,000 books to over 3 million books. Today the library holds over 8 million items.
Registration is a nominal $35.00 and includes the keynote luncheon. The fee for the workshops is also $35.00. Registration forms, session information, and presenter bios are available through the conference website lib.byu.edu/adl or you can access the registration information directly at http://adlbookcollectingconference2013.wordpress.com/registration/