November 9, 2016 | Rebecca Rego Barry

Limited Edition of "Jane Eyre" Manuscript to be Published

JE First Page (1).jpgThe handwritten manuscript of Charlotte Brontë's novel, Jane Eyre, will be reproduced in a limited facsimile edition for the first time next month. The Paris-based independent publisher ?ditions des Saints Pères, which specializes in facsimiles of literary manuscripts, will issue one thousand hand-numbered copies of the new edition, which is based on the fair copy that Brontë delivered to her publisher in 1847 and is now held by the British Library.

The 824-page manuscript, seen until now by very few, showcases Brontë's "elegant handwriting and thoughtful edits," according to the publisher. "The fair copy is neat, with most notable revisions and corrections centred around her portrayal of Jane's encounters with Mr Rochester."

Screen Shot 2016-11-09 at 11.30.57 AM.pngIllustrated with etchings by Edmund Garrett and presented in a deluxe slipcase, this new edition is certainly aimed at the collector market--its pre-order price is £229 ($284).

Images Courtesy of ?ditions des Saints Pères.