English Anatomy Book, Signed Hemingway, Whitman: Auction Preview

A complete set of the three volumes of the underground literary magazine The Ark (1947–1957), offered at PBA Galleries this week.
A couple of sales to watch this week:
At Forum Auctions on Thursday, an online sale of Books and Works on Paper, in 216 lots. A copy of the 1566 work [J]udgement of the Reverend Father Master Henry Bullinger, Pastor of the church of Zurick, in certeyne matters of religion rates the top estimate at £1,500–2,000. The 1638 edition of Sir Thomas More's Epigrammata could sell for £800–1,200, and a first issue copy of the first book edition of Charles Dickens' A Tale of Two Cities is expected to reach £800–1,200. A second issue copy of Helkiah Cooke's anatomy book Mikrokosmographia (1616) is estimated at £750–1,000.
PBA Galleries sells 412 lots of Fine Literature – Science Fiction, Fantasy & Mysteries – Beats & the Counterculture on Thursday, including a copy of the 2014 Arion Press edition of Walt Whitman's Leaves of Grass ($8,000–12,000); the 1929 signed, limited edition of Ernest Hemingway's A Farewell to Arms ($7,000–10,000); and the 1960 signed first edition of Jack Kerouac's Excerpts from Visions of Cody ($5,000–8,000). This sale includes several other nice Whitman lots, including a signed copy of Specimen Days ($3,000–5,000).