A Century of The New Yorker will showcase the history of The New Yorker from its launch in 1925 to the present day and feature founding documents, rare manuscripts, photograp
Tickets are now available to see three rare Magna Cartas at Durham Cathedral.
Jane Austen’s House in Chawton, Hampshire will kick off the celebrations for Austen’s 250th birthday year with the opening o
The Grolier Club will explore the singular wit of American literary legend
The history of the recently restored Notre-Dame cathedral in Paris defined has been shaped by books, manuscripts and prints which were used for worship or study and are now on display until March 1
The Charles Dickens Museum opened its doors for the first time in 1925 and will be celebrating its centenary next year with Dickens in Doughty Street: 1
The Bodleian Libraries’ new exhibition Oracles, Omens and Answers opens tomorrow, exploring a wide range of historic divination techniques form
The lineup of the British Library's major exhibitions next year includes an exploration of the transformative, enriching and radical power of gardening in Britain, a
San Francisco Center for the Book is presenting the first-ever survey of artist and graphic designer David King’s small press publications, zines, ephemera, and earl
The Morgan Library & Museum will present Franz Kafka from November 22 through April 13, 2025 to mark the 100th anniversary of the author’s deat