Freeman's Hindman

At ALDE on Tuesday, May 28, 263 lots of Reliures Originales & Livres Illustrés Modernes, including a deluxe copy of Anna de Noailles' Les Climats (1928) with a whole bunch of extra material (€50,…
There are a handful of books in the Freeman's | Hindman sale of The Private Collection of Secretary Madeleine K. Albright on Tuesday, May 7, mostly presentation copies but a handful of books with her…
A selection of rare objects commemorating bibliophile, printer and Founding Father Benjamin
Books written by and inscribed to the late former U.S. Secretary of State Madeleine K.
At Chiswick Auctions on Tuesday, February 27, 251 lots of Books & Works on Paper, including a late-seventeenth-century manuscript map of Bermondsey on vellum estimated at £3,000–5,000. A deluxe…
At the newly-combined Freeman's | Hindman on Tuesday, February 6, 138 lots of Books and Manuscripts, expected to be led by Thomas Jefferson's seven-volume customized set of the works of Aeschylus,…
Highlights from Freeman’s | Hindman’s February 6 Books and Manuscripts sale includes: