graphic art
Philadelphia —Freeman’s is honored to present Pop prints, multiples, graphics and art reference books from the estate of distinguished collector and philanthropist, Robert J. Morrison.
New York — Swann Galleries opened the 2019 season with Fine Illustrated Books & Graphics on January 29, boasting numerous auction records and several new buyers.
On Tuesday, January 15, Heritage Auctions in Dallas will sell the John Silverstein Collection of African American Social History, in 383 lots.
Dallas, Texas - The Belgium-based Boon Foundation for Narrative Graphic Arts cast the $600,000 winning bid to add the original art for the eight-page story Master Race (EC 1955) to its col
Tomorrow the Philadelphia Museum of Art opens its new exhibition, Biting Wit and Brazen Folly: British
Ithaca, NY—Worth Auctions, located in Dryden, NY, announces the launch of their next auction catalog.