Gettysburg Address
Abraham Lincoln: His Life in Print will exhibit the revered but rarely seen books, documents, and ephemera that empowered Lincoln’s political ascendance, his leadership during the Civ
Manuscript treasures including Abraham Lincoln’s handwritten draft of the
Christie's Books & Manuscripts Department is pleased t
Earlier this month, the Library of Congress paired with Levenger to produce a new edition of
On Nov. 19, 1863, Abraham Lincoln delivered the Gettysburg Address in Gettysburg, Pennsylvania.
"Lincoln's Gettysburg Address," by
Abraham Lincoln, illustrated by James Daugherty; Albert Whitman &
Company, $19.99, 48 pages, ages 6-12.
Abraham Lincoln, illustrated by James Daugherty; Albert Whitman &
Company, $19.99, 48 pages, ages 6-12.
The Library of Congress will display the Nicolay copy of Lincoln’s Gettysburg Address in the spectacular Great Hall of the Thomas Jefferson Building for 10 days, before the top treasure is placed i