J. Paul Getty Museum
A new exhibition will showcase the J. Paul Getty Museum’s collection of ancient Egyptian manuscripts bearing spells from the Book of the Dead.
Los Angeles – Books of hours were among the most widely produced and used manuscripts in the Middle Ages.
Los Angeles – For centuries the ruins of the ancient city of Palmyra have captured the imagination– testaments to the legacy of the prosperous multicultural center of trade that once domi
Los Angeles — Throughout the Middle Ages (about 500-1500), texts and images were disseminated primarily through handwritten and hand-drawn materials.
Who can forget the searing images of Notre-Dame burning on April 15 of this year?
Bestiaries, allegorical texts with pages of illuminated animals—some real, like the lion, some mythical, like the griffin—were the bestsellers of their day. Until now, there has been no more…
Los Angeles – Artists have long used cameras to record change, documenting transformations in landscapes or intimate portraits of people at different times in their lives. Once. Again.
The Art of Three Faiths: A Torah, a Bible and a Qur’an is not merely an exhibition but represents the culmination of a thi
Los Angeles – The cosmos—full of shining stars and orbiting planets—inspired works of art and literature throughout the Middle Ages (about 500-1500).