Center for Book Arts
With poems by Adeena Karasick and visualization by Warren Lehrer, publishers
Successful artists’ books blend the craft of its making—paper, binding, scale,
This is the second of our two-part, shorter-than-usual Rare Book Week preview; part I covered book fairs,
Any reopening is cause for celebration, and on January 14 at 6:30pm, the Center for Book Arts i
Good news in from curator Deirdre Lawrence and the Center for Book Arts: the catalogue produced to accompany the CBA’s fall 2019 exhibition,
Last week, the Center for Book Arts (CBA) in New York City debuted an exhibition that truly takes poetry off the page.
ICYMI: Our top ten most popular posts of 2019. Number one takes a page from our winter issue’s cover feature, pictured above.
Closing out Walt Whitman’s boisterous bicentennial year — there were exhibitions aplenty, featured here and in our
On Wednesday, September 28 the Austin Book Arts Center (ABAC) celebrated its first year of operation with printing demonstrations, music, champagne, cupcakes,