presidential autographs
Wilton, CT – An exceptional handwritten four-page presidential address signed by Thomas Jefferson and directed to the Cherokee Nation in 1806, a spectacular one-page document written and signe
Westport, CT – A presentation copy of a Russian book celebrating the 10th anniversary of the People’s Republic of China signed by Chairman Mao Zedong (Tse-Tung); a receipt signed by Edgar Alla
Los Angeles – A lot featuring 15 presidents and historical figures, including two autographs by Abraham Lincoln, will be auctioned by Nate D.
Dallas, TX – A range of important signed letters, including several from Albert Einstein, will be among the top attractions in Heritage Auctions’
Westport, CT – Eager bidders gave a tip of the top hat to Abraham Lincoln in University Archives’ online auction held January 16th.
We were saddened to learn of the death of Joseph Rubinfine (1938-2019), a highly respected dealer
Westport, CT - Historically important letters handwritten and signed by U.S.
New York - Swann Galleries’ March 21 sale of Autographs promises an assortment of hard-to-find items from world leaders, scientists, innovators and other notable figures. &…
Westport, CT - A signed copy of Franklin D.