New York — A classic of world literature, a masterpiece of horror, and a forerunner of science fiction, Frankenstein by Mary Shelley is the subject of a new exhibitio
In a fortnight it's back-to-school and therefore back-to-books with America's largest regional antiquarian book fair, the annual Brooklyn Antiquarian Book Fair, now in its fifth year and happening
“It’s alive, It’s alive! cried the crazed scientist, Dr.
The 51st California International Antiquarian Book Fair comes to life in Pasadena this Friday.
In a few days, we'll be raising a glass to bid farewell to 2017 and toast the arrival of the new year, which will certainly bring all sorts of bibliocentric events with it.
In more civilized times, proponents of a meatless regime adhered to the "Pythagorean diet" championed by that Greek sixth century B.C.