book art

Berkeley, CA—Digital is dead, at least for one week this coming February.
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania—August 13, 2014—This summer the Library Company is hosting two exquisite exhibitions of book art.
NEW HAVEN—This spring, the Yale Center for British Art presents “Of Green Leaf, Bird, and Flower”: Artists’ Books and the Natural World, an exhibition exam
The Art Libraries Society of North America (ARLIS) conference opens tomorrow in Washington, D.C.
I spent about seven hours on Friday at the NYABF, which did not allow enough time to see everything or everyone that I wished to, but I did get to see a lot of books and friends, old and new.
Richard Minsky has launched a new exhibit and catalogue of publishers' bindings, titled Trade Bindings with Native American Themes, 1875-1933
In a combination that can only serve to delight, artist Sondra Sherman
combines bespoke jewelry design with book art by carving a hollow into
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