bodleian library
The Bodleian Library in Oxford announced earlier this week its acquisition of a rare, fifteenth-century French Gothic coffer, or book chest, once used for the transportation of books.
From time to time, we corral the latest books about books of interest to our reader
For the first time, one of England's most famous libraries offers a peek into its restricted "Phi" collection, i.e. books once labeled "obscene" or "improper" and kept from public view.
While a crowd formed a line waiting for entrance into the Bodleian Library's excellent new Tolkien exhibition, the gallery directly across the entryway was quietly waiting for its treasures of wome
The third International Bookbinding Competition, hosted by Designer Bookbinders and Oxford'
Oxford, 9 February 2017—A striking new book featuring historic views of London unearthed from the Bodleian Library’s collections presents a captivating panorama of the City during the eighteenth ce
Sharpen your pencils, and not your trusty #2 Ticonderoga or Mirado Black Warrior--this is a job for Prismacolor and Faber-Castell.
Marking 400 years since the Bard's death, the Folger Shakespeare Library is pulling out all the stops in 2016: Readers of the most recent issue o