October 12, 2017 | Rebecca Rego Barry

Vietnam War Artifacts

Johnson-Back Up Our Americans Now poster #1 300 dpi copy.jpgIn terms of the Vietnam War, what's past is definitely present. Not only has the monumental, 18-hour Ken Burns documentary been airing on PBS these past few weeks, but the New-York Historical Society has just opened its expansive new exhibit, The Vietnam War: 1945-1975. As our readers will recall, we published a feature story on Vietnam collector Stuart Lutz in our winter issue. Lutz, both a collector and a dealer in historical documents, loaned about thirty items to the N-YHS exhibit. He will also be holding a live webinar on October 24 about Vietnam War artifacts, like the vintage LBJ poster pictured here, through the Appraisers Association. "Lutz will discuss various Vietnam War collecting categories, what is rare and what is not, pricing, important items, and much more." Details can be found here.   

Image: Vintage LBJ poster, courtesy of Stuart Lutz Historic Documents.