Exhibit | March 11, 2015

“Very Eric Carle” Premieres at Children’s Museum of Pittsburgh in June

PITTSBURGH (March 10, 2015 )—Children’s Museum of Pittsburgh has partnered with The Eric Carle Museum of Picture Book Art in Amherst, MA, to co-organize the first traveling exhibit in North America inspired by the art of Eric Carle, beloved children’s book author and illustrator.

Very Eric Carle: A Very Hungry, Quiet, Lonely, Clumsy, Busy Exhibit, will premiere at Children’s Museum of Pittsburgh on June 13, 2015 and was made possible with underwriting support from an Anonymous Donor, the Eden Hall Foundation, The Hillman Foundation, and The Wherrett Memorial Fund of The Pittsburgh Foundation.

This play-and-learn exhibit features activities inspired by five of Eric Carle’s classic books:  The Very Hungry Caterpillar, The Very Quiet Cricket, The Very Lonely Firefly, The Very Clumsy Click Beetle and The Very Busy Spider.  Visitors can:

?? Become the Very Hungry Caterpillar by climbing through his tunnel

?? Weave a web with the Very Busy Spider

?? Find their light with the Very Lonely Firefly

?? Make the Very Clumsy Click Beetle flip and jump

?? Compose a night symphony with the Very Quiet Cricket

?? Create artwork using many of Eric Carle's materials and techniques

?? Enjoy a gallery of prints from Eric Carle's Very Series as well as works in progress

“In this exhibit, nature is expressed through the creative vision of the artist using color, texture, shape and lines.” stated Anne Fullenkamp, Children’s Museum Associate Director of Business Development. “We reimagined the boundaries between the images on the page and the natural world that inspired them, allowing the visitor to explore the inside world of the artist's studio and the outside world inhabited by each book’s characters.”

Very Eric Carle will run through September 20 at the Children’s Museum and then begin its multi-year run as a traveling exhibit.  The exhibit’s first booking is with Magic House in St. Louis, MO, opening October 2015. The exhibition is expected to tour for up to 10 years. 

“I am delighted that the Children's Museum of Pittsburgh is creating an interactive, discovery exhibit inspired by my quintet of "Very" books,” stated Eric Carle.  “I hope young visitors will enjoy moving and exploring throughout the exhibition like the small creatures crawl and move in my books and that the exhibition will be enjoyed by visitors of all ages!”

Children’s Museum of Pittsburgh is open Monday-Sunday from 10:00 am - 5:00 pm. Admission is $14 for adults, $13 for children 2-18 and senior citizens. Children under two are free. The Museum is located on Pittsburgh’s historic North Side at 10 Children’s Way, Pittsburgh, PA 15212.  For more information, please call (412) 322-5058 or visit the Museum website www.pittsburghkids.org.

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