December 26, 2010 |
Under My Tree
Devoted blog readers may remember that last year I received one very special two-volume set of Thoreau's Cape Cod for Christmas (No? You missed that one? Read it again here.) This year another beautiful book was added to my collection, this one a slim fine press edition from Oak Tree Fine Press. FB&C did a short article on Oak Tree back in March, and I was so impressed by their books and their vision. All of the money publisher Bruce Howard raises with these editions is donated to African children with HIV/AIDS. He has persuaded authors like John Coetzee, Philip Pullman and Margaret Atwood to 'donate' a chapter of their work to this cause. The volume I received is part of Oak Tree's First Chapter series; mine being the first chapter of A. S. Byatt's Possession (you might have guessed!). It is a signed, limited edition featuring original artwork by David Royle. It is a treasure. Thank you, Santa!