July 12, 2013 | Rebecca Rego Barry


The Society for the History of Authorship, Reading, and Publishing (SHARP) is holding its annual conference in Philadelphia next week, from the 18th-21st. This year's theme is "Geographies of the Book," and the special collections tours (Rosenbach, UPenn, Library Company, etc.!) and book history programs/panels sound phenomenal. If you're near Philly, I hope you've registered to attend.  

We're proud that two of our contributors are presenting papers, as well. On July 19th, Brooke Palmieri, a bookseller with Sokol Books in London, will present "Blitzkrieg Books: Moving, Selling, and Saving Rare Books in World War II." She will also chair a panel on the book in the Cold War. On July 20th, Mitch Fraas, Bollinger Fellow for Library Innovation at the University of Pennsylvania's Van Pelt-Dietrich Library, will showcase his digital project, "Expanding the Republic of Letters: India and the Circulation of Ideas in the Late Eighteenth Century." Mitch will also chair a panel on reading and empire.