February 3, 2016 | Rebecca Rego Barry

Palm Beach Treasures

While many collectors and booksellers are flocking to California over the next couple of weeks, others are making their way to Florida, for the Miami Map Fair and/or the Palm Beach Jewelry, Art & Antique Show.

Rau-Palm Beach.jpgThe Palm Beach show is now a seven-day event, featuring more than 170 international exhibitors. Book and manuscript dealers include Daniel Crouch Rare Books, Lion Heart Autographs (they will present a marriage document signed by Napoleon and Josephine), and M.S. Rau of New Orleans, which will showcase some fine presidential material, including this John Quincy Adams land certificate, priced at $8,850, as well as strands of George Washington's hair and JFK assassination court case files.  

Image Courtesy of the Palm Beach Jewelry, Art & Antique Show.