News | June 7, 2024

New May and William Morris Exhibition at Kelmscott Manor

Kelmscott Manor

Pencil and ink sketch by May Morris

Mountains and plains and adventure: William & May Morris and Iceland has opened at their Kelmscott Manor country home in Oxfordshire, coinciding with the centenary of May Morris’s first trip to Iceland. 

Victorian writer and designer William Morris was also a scholar of Icelandic and passed on his enthusiasm for the country to his daughter May Morris (1862–1938), also a designer and expert on historic embroidery. Both had a lengthy relationship with the country and were warmly welcomed by Icelanders. He visited twice (1871 and 1873), she three times over half a century later (1924, 1926 and 1931), with the life-companion of her later  years, Mary Lobb as a companion. 

Morris earned the Icelanders’ lasting affection for his cultural and financial contributions to Icelandic society. May Morris was awarded the country’s highest honour, the Order of the Falcon, in 1930. Today, William Morris is still held in high regard in Iceland but May is virtually unknown. Using the previously unknown diaries she wrote during her Icelandic travels, which were acquired by the Society of Antiquaries of London for Kelmscott Manor in 2018, the exhibition is the first to explore her relationship with Iceland. For the first time, May’s Icelandic adventures can be examined alongside her father’s better-known experiences and impressions since her observations highlight what had remained constant and what had changed in the intervening years. 

The exhibition, which runs until October 26 draws on the  Society of Antiquaries’ own collections at Burlington House and Kelmscott Manor, and include loans from the British Library, William Morris Gallery and Haslemere Educational Museum. 

In addition to the Fafnir yew hedge, the dragon-shaped topiary tribute cut by William Morris in tribute to the character from the Icelandic sags, visit highlights include:

  • May Morris’s travel diaries including drawings, photographs and ephemera
  • artefacts brought back from Iceland by both William and May Morris, including intricately carved items representing the traditional way of life in Iceland such as bed-boards, a drinking horn, and hand-woven textiles
  • a first edition of the GuðbrandsbiblÍa Bible (1584)
  • examples of William Morris’s translations of sagas, calligraphic manuscripts, and poetry responding to Iceland, including Kelmscot Press editions 
Selection of Icelanders' visiting cards presented to May Morris
Kelmscott Manor

Selection of Icelanders' visiting cards presented to May Morris

Photograph of May Morris, Mary Lobb and guide
Kelmscott Manor

Photograph of May Morris, Mary Lobb and guide

Drinking horn
Kelmscott Mano

Drinking horn

Presentation casket
Kelmscott Manor

Presentation casket

The exhibition is co-curated by Curator of Kelmscot Manor Dr Kathy Haslam and Dr Emily Lethbridge, Senior Research Lecturer at the Árni Magnússon Institute for Icelandic Studies, Reykjavík, Iceland. "We are thrilled at this opportunity to explore May’s passion for both travel and Iceland through her own wonderfully vivid and enlightening words," said Haslam, "and to contribute through the exhibition and its  catalogue to understanding more deeply the Morris family’s relationship with Iceland." 

Lethbridge added: "This exhibition represents an exciting and important milestone, most immediately in the world of  Morris studies but also more widely in other areas of cultural history, including women’s travel writing, and cross-cultural exchange and influence between Iceland and Great Britain in the 19th and  20th centuries."