Les Enluminures Gallery Exhibit on Medieval and Early Modern Church
NEW YORK — Sandra Hindman, founder and owner of LES ENLUMINURES (www.lesenluminures.com) has announced a major month-long exhibition at the New York gallery from April 4 to May 4 called “Paths to Reform,” illustrating the importance of reform in the history of the medieval and early modern church.
Dr. Hindman says, “‘Paths to Reform’ includes manuscripts that illustrate important texts from the twelfth through the sixteenth centuries. About thirty-five manuscripts and a few printed books begin with texts and manuscripts associated with the religious orders of the Middle Ages — Bernard of Clairvaux and the Cistercians, St. Francis of Assisi, St. Bridget of Sweden, and St. Francis de Paola — and then explores in greater detail texts associated with the Devotio Moderna, and parallel movements in France and Italy, leading up to manuscripts associated with the Protestant Reformation.”

Les Enluminures will launch this exhibition on April 4th at a reception from 6 to 9 pm (RSVP necessary) at the New York gallery, 23 East 73rd Street, 7th floor, New York. It will remain on view through May 4th.
Les Enluminures is publishing a full-color “Paths to Reform” catalogue to accompany the exhibition written by Sandra Hindman and Laura Light, with an introduction by David Lyle Jeffrey, Distinguished Professor of Literature and the Humanities, Honors College, and Distinguished Senior Fellow and Director of Manuscript Research in Scripture and Tradition, Institute for Studies in Religion, Baylor University.
Hindman says, “The ‘Paths to Reform’ catalogue will be the third in our Text Manuscripts series. The first, Binding and the Archeology of the Medieval and Renaissance Book, by Sandra and Ariane Bergeron-Foote, and the second, Before the King James Bible, by Sandra Hindman and Laura Light, are still available.”
“Two examples from the catalogue include a Book of Hours in Dutch by the illuminator the Master of Otto van Mordrecht that includes texts popular in the “Modern Devotion,” Luther schooled in one of their educational establishments. This Book of Hours is dated and with an original binding, and includes 10 miniatures by the Master, as well as unusual texts associated with this “reform” movement.”
“We are also fortunate to have a previously unknown “miniature” copy of Luther’s New Testament with hand-colored woodcuts and with an exceptionally rare ‘illuminated’ binding.”
Sandra Hindman, who twice headed the Art History Department at Northwestern University during her 30-year academic career, founded Les Enluminures gallery in Paris 22 years ago when she opened a gallery opposite the Louvre. Last year she expanded her business to include a second gallery in an historic New York townhouse at 23 East 73rd Street between Fifth and Madison Avenues.
Les Enluminures is among a handful of top ranked sources for the most significant Medieval manuscripts and art entering the market and numbers among its clients the world’s major museums, libraries and private collectors. Each year Les Enluminures is a featured exhibitor at prestigious antiques and art fairs in New York, Paris, Florence, San Francisco, Maastricht and London.
Hindman divides her time between her Paris and New York galleries and her offices in Chicago and has written a dozen books and catalogues on the subject.
PATHS TO REFORM April 4 - May 4 2013
- illustrating the importance of reform in the history of the medieval and early modern church.
Les Enluminures - New York
23 East 73 Street - 7th floor
New York NY 10021
Tel: 1-212-717-7273
10-6, Monday-Saturday until May 4
- Information on the show and catalogues is available at
http://lesenluminures.com and http://textmanuscripts.com.