Jefferson Letter Sold for $68,750 at Auction

Boston — A letter written by Founding Father Thomas Jefferson sold for $68,750, according to Boston-based RR Auction.
The one-page handwritten letter signed as president, signed "Th: Jefferson," dated August 19, 1805. Handwritten letter from Monticello to General John Stark, in part: "I have lately learnt through the channel of the newspapers, and learnt with great pleasure, that you are still in life, & enjoy health & spirits. The victories of Bennington, the first link in that chain of successes which issued in the surrender at Saratoga, are still fresh in the memory of every American."
Remembered as the 'Hero of Bennington' for his exemplary service at the Battle of Bennington on August 16, 1777, Stark led a group of New England militiamen in the defeat of a detachment of General John Burgoyne's army. The victory was a major strategic success for the beleaguered patriot cause, galvanizing support for the independence movement.
“It’s a remarkable letter from what it is considered one of the early turning points in the American Revolution,” said Bobby Livingston, Executive VP at RR Auction.
Additional highlights from the sale include, but are not limited by:
Paul Gauguin signed letter to Camille Pissarro sold for $50,502.
Led Zeppelin fully signed UK pressing of Led Zeppelin III sold for $35,372.
Richard Montgomery signed letter as the Continental Army's second-ranking brigadier general sold for $27,453.
Howard Hughes love letters to actress Billie Dove sold for $23,686.
George Washington handwritten letter penned a month before the outbreak of the Revolutionary War sold for $23,153.
Paul Revere signed Boston real estate deed sold for $21,875.
Elvis Presley photograph, signed and inscribed to Ed Sullivan, sold for $19,445.
The Fine Autographs and Artifacts featuring Revolutionary War from RR Auction began on June 25 and concluded on July 14. For more information, go to