IFPDA Fine Art Print Fair Announces Virtual Fair May 13-June 13

New York — Jenny Gibbs, Executive Director of the IFPDA, and David Tunick, President of the IFPDA, have announced a new digital initiative -- the IFPDA Fine Art Print Fair Online: Spring 2020. The online exclusive fair will feature approximately 150 exhibitors, all vetted members of the IFPDA. Originally scheduled to be held at the Javits Center in New York in October with 70 exhibitors, the IFPDA has moved the fair online, invited all members to participate, and waived all exhibitor fees in response to the current economic and health crises. The fair will be accessible through the IFPDA Fine Art Print Fair website and on Artsy.com.
The IFPDA is a non-profit association representing a world-wide community of 150 galleries and print publishers. The IFPDA Fine Art Print Fair is the world’s largest international art fair; it celebrates more than 500 years of printmaking, from the 15th century to new editions by today’s best-known artists. Mr. Tunick talked about the IFPDA going online with its fair: “Without the space constraints of a physical fair we are able for the very first time to open up the IFPDA Online Fine Art Print Fair to all our esteemed members. The range of graphic works available with nearly 150 exhibitors will be unprecedented.”
Speaking of the decision to offer the fair online in the spring, Ms. GIbbs said, “We felt the need to be nimble and responsive to the current global health and economic crises and to help sustain the members of our arts communities. By waiving all fees to participate, we hope to relieve some of the financial stress on our members right now, and we are very excited to see what’s possible without the logistical limitations of a physical fair.”
The IFPDA Fine Art Print Fair is offering a sneak peek at a selection of exhibitor highlights scheduled for display available HERE.