Auctions | July 3, 2024

Focus on Revolutionary War, War of 1812, and Civil War Autographs at RR Auction's July Sale

RR Auction

A 1786 document signed by Benjamin Franklin

The Fine Autographs and Artifacts Auction running until July 10 includes more than 1,000 lots including a Revolutionary War discharge certificate signed by George Washington on June 30, 1783, and countersigned by Jonathan Trumbull, Jr. with an estimate of $10,000.

The RR Auction sale also includes a handwritten letter by John Quincy Adams, dated during the War of 1812, reflecting on the political landscape of Europe post-war. Adams describes Europe's return to "feudal and papal tyranny" after the fall of Napoleon (estimate: $15,000). Elsewhere there is a rare 1808 document signed by President Thomas Jefferson discussing the planning of the "Western Road", the first federally funded highway. Jefferson's letter to the commissioners of the Western Road underscores his vision of uniting the growing American settlements with the eastern states through improved infrastructure (estimate: $35,000).

Other highlights include:

  • an 1806 handwritten letter by Thomas Paine, likely addressed to President Jefferson, expressing frustration over a lack of response to his previous letters, and his desire to contribute to peace negotiations between France and Britain (estimate: $25,000) 
  • a letter signed by then President of the Continental Congress John Hancock in 1777, ordering General Arthur St. Clair to take command at Fort Ticonderoga due to the approach of enemy forces (estimate: $20,000)
  • a 1786 document signed by Benjamin Franklin, then President of Pennsylvania, overseeing an early bankruptcy case between Philadelphia merchants (estimate: $15,000)
  • a Treasury Department circular signed by Alexander Hamilton in 1790 offers his interpretation of the Coasting Law of 1789 and emphasizes the need for diligence in customs collection (estimate: $10,000)
  • an autograph endorsement signed by President Abraham Lincoln in 1864 approving the establishment of a sawmill in Jacksonville, Florida (estimate: $6,000)
  • a comprehensive collection of manuscripts signed by all 40 signers of the American Constitution (estimate: $80,000)
a letter signed by then President of the Continental Congress John Hancock in 1777
RR Auction

A letter signed by then President of the Continental Congress John Hancock in 1777