Current Events & Trends | February 10, 2023 | Alex Johnson

The Estate of Larry McMurtry Auction Set for May

Vogt Auction Galleries

Coming soon...

Part of bookseller and writer Larry McMurtry's personal estate will come to auction at Vogt Auction Galleries in May featuring a range of items belonging to the Texas author including some from his home in Archer City.

Among lots will be more than a dozen of his beloved Hermes 3000 portable typewriters, including some which have been raided for spare parts. When two of them he used to write Lonesome Dove came up for auction in 2017, they went for $37,500. Previous important McMurtry sales included his Booked Up Sale in 2012 which include his hand-picked McMurtry 100.

McMurtry died in 2021, aged 84.

The list of items at the Vogt auction includes:

* his writing desk and chair

* McMurtry’s personal copies of his landmark books such as Lonesome Dove, Terms of Endearment and Horseman, Pass By

* memorabilia from his Hollywood productions

The auction will also include artwork and furnishings from McMurtry's home, his firearms, cowboy boots, wristwatch, Steinway grand piano, his four-poster bed

The full auction catalog will be published on May 5.