Book as Memorial: Book Artists Remember 9/11
The Book as Memorial: Book Artists Respond to and Remember 9/11
September 6 - December 16, 2011
Ten years have passed since the tragedy that occurred on September 11, 2001, in several locations on the East Coast of the United States. People in all parts of the country were affected and many of them looked for ways to respond. This exhibition shows art work created by book artists in response to the events of that fateful day. Specifically, this exhibition focuses on works that memorialize the people lost and the indescribable sense that we, as a people, also lost something more intangible. Some might call it a sense of innocence, others might call it a sense of safety, but few Americans would deny that the world felt changed after that day. Using the book format, these artists have given form to these difficult thoughts and emotions to share with a wider audience and to help us remember.
The exhibition includes work by: Art of the Book program (Art School, Pratt Institute), Maureen Cummins, Mimi Gross & Charles Bernstein (Granary Books), Kate Ferrucci (People to People Press), Emily Martin (Naughty Dog Press), Mac McGill (Booklyn Artists Alliance), Sara Parkel (Filter Press), Werner Pfeiffer (Pear Whistle Press), Maria G. Pisano (Memory Press), Otis Rubottom, Sibyl Rubottom & Jim Machacek (Bay Park Press), Rocco Scary, Gaylord Schanilec & Richard Goodman (Midnight Paper Sales), Robbin Ami Silverberg (Dobbin Books), Patricia M. Smith (P.S. Press), Gail Watson (Zuni Press), Marshall Weber (Booklyn Artists Alliance), Pamela S. Wood (Rarehare Creations), J. Meejin Yoon (Printed Matter & Whitney Museum of American Art).
This exhibit is free and open to the public Monday through Friday from 8:30am to 5pm. Non-Yale community members must check in with the security guard in the lobby of the Loria Center, 190 York Street, to gain access to the Haas Family Arts Library. Photo ID required to enter library.
Artists panel discussion
In conjunction with the Yale University Art Gallery's installation "Remembering 9/11", there will be a panel discussion "Ten Years Later: Artists Remember 9/11" at 5:30 p.m. on Thursday, Sept. 22, at the Yale University Art Gallery, 1111 Chapel Street (at York Street), New Haven, Connecticut. Artists Nathan Lyons, Leo Rubinfien, Judith Shea, and Robbin Ami Silverberg will join Josh Chuang of the Yale Art Gallery and Jae Rossman of the Haas Family Arts Library for a conversation on the impact of Sept. 11 on their lives and work. The event is free and open to the public.
Jae Jennifer Rossman
Assistant Director for Special Collections
Robert B. Haas Family Arts Library
Yale University
180 York Street
New Haven, CT 06520
203.432.0549 (fax)
September 6 - December 16, 2011
Ten years have passed since the tragedy that occurred on September 11, 2001, in several locations on the East Coast of the United States. People in all parts of the country were affected and many of them looked for ways to respond. This exhibition shows art work created by book artists in response to the events of that fateful day. Specifically, this exhibition focuses on works that memorialize the people lost and the indescribable sense that we, as a people, also lost something more intangible. Some might call it a sense of innocence, others might call it a sense of safety, but few Americans would deny that the world felt changed after that day. Using the book format, these artists have given form to these difficult thoughts and emotions to share with a wider audience and to help us remember.
The exhibition includes work by: Art of the Book program (Art School, Pratt Institute), Maureen Cummins, Mimi Gross & Charles Bernstein (Granary Books), Kate Ferrucci (People to People Press), Emily Martin (Naughty Dog Press), Mac McGill (Booklyn Artists Alliance), Sara Parkel (Filter Press), Werner Pfeiffer (Pear Whistle Press), Maria G. Pisano (Memory Press), Otis Rubottom, Sibyl Rubottom & Jim Machacek (Bay Park Press), Rocco Scary, Gaylord Schanilec & Richard Goodman (Midnight Paper Sales), Robbin Ami Silverberg (Dobbin Books), Patricia M. Smith (P.S. Press), Gail Watson (Zuni Press), Marshall Weber (Booklyn Artists Alliance), Pamela S. Wood (Rarehare Creations), J. Meejin Yoon (Printed Matter & Whitney Museum of American Art).
This exhibit is free and open to the public Monday through Friday from 8:30am to 5pm. Non-Yale community members must check in with the security guard in the lobby of the Loria Center, 190 York Street, to gain access to the Haas Family Arts Library. Photo ID required to enter library.
Artists panel discussion
In conjunction with the Yale University Art Gallery's installation "Remembering 9/11", there will be a panel discussion "Ten Years Later: Artists Remember 9/11" at 5:30 p.m. on Thursday, Sept. 22, at the Yale University Art Gallery, 1111 Chapel Street (at York Street), New Haven, Connecticut. Artists Nathan Lyons, Leo Rubinfien, Judith Shea, and Robbin Ami Silverberg will join Josh Chuang of the Yale Art Gallery and Jae Rossman of the Haas Family Arts Library for a conversation on the impact of Sept. 11 on their lives and work. The event is free and open to the public.
Jae Jennifer Rossman
Assistant Director for Special Collections
Robert B. Haas Family Arts Library
Yale University
180 York Street
New Haven, CT 06520
203.432.0549 (fax)