January 2, 2010 |
Book Marks
Here's an online version of an amazing exhibit that ran last year at the Hill Museum & Manuscript Library, curated by Dr. Teresa Vann and Jill Dubbeldee Kuhn.
Ever find an interesting bookmark or book mark (marginalia) in an old book? I once found a press pass that belonged to William Shirer tucked into a first edition of Arthur Miller's Death of a Salesman. I spent a pre-Google year chasing the details of the press pass and concluding that Shirer and Miller were probably friends.
Ever find an interesting bookmark or book mark (marginalia) in an old book? I once found a press pass that belonged to William Shirer tucked into a first edition of Arthur Miller's Death of a Salesman. I spent a pre-Google year chasing the details of the press pass and concluding that Shirer and Miller were probably friends.