The Bibliographical Society’s New YouTube Channel

The Bibliographical Society
The Bibliographical Society has launched its own YouTube channel featuring recordings of its monthly lectures and online events.
Videos are being posted regularly every month and will continue until all the lectures from 2020 onwards have been made available. A full list of the lectures is here including:
- April 2024: Mirjam Foot: Taste and Discrimination: The Cerruti Collection of Decorated Bindings
- March 2024: Richard Linenthal Presidential Address: Printed fragments: Scholarship, collecting and the trade
- March 2023: Paul Hoftijzer: Books from Britain in the Leiden Bibliotheca Thysiana
- October 2021: AGM | Nil Palabiyik: The Mad, the Bad and the Silenced: Three Tales about Ottoman Learning and Renaissance Book Culture
- February 2022: Justin Hanisch: Louis Renard’s extraordinary fishes, crayfishes, and crabs: an exploration of one of the 18th century’s most unusual colour plate books
- May 2022: Homee and Phiroze Randeria Lecture Arthur Marks: The curious career of Nathaniel Price, a journeyman binder working in England and America
- October 2020: Presidential Address : Margaret Lane Ford, Bookselling and Bibliography
- February 2021: Stephen Clarke, Horace Walpole and W.S. Lewis: A Collector Revealed