Auctions | April 6, 2023

Beethoven and Bach Manuscripts to Auction

RR Auction

Handwritten church cantata manuscript by Johann Sebastian Bach

RR Auction's April Fine Autographs and Artifacts sale features a selection of classical music pieces by Beethoven and Bach, as well as a letter by Nikola Tesla and a remarkable cache of documents from John Dillinger's first arrest.

A major highlight is by a handwritten church cantata manuscript by Johann Sebastian Bach, a dark, dramatic meditation on human suffering. The present fragment comprises 11½ bars from the conclusion of the movement, including the words. Most likely composed for October 17, 1728, BMV 188 is a cantata for the 21st Sunday after Trinity and uses text drawn from Picander. (Estimate: $400,000+)

Also of interest is an autograph letter by Ludwig van Beethoven, a handwritten one-page note in German, circa September 1823, to Franz Christian Kirchhoffer, concerning sending the 'Missa Solemnis' to London. Kirchhoffer served as cashier at the Hofmann & Goldstein Bank in Vienna. Several times in 1823, he helped Beethoven to send funds as well as music to their mutual friend Ferdinand Ries in London. (Estimate: $80,000+).

Autograph letter by Ludwig van Beethoven
RR Auction

Autograph letter by Ludwig van Beethoven

The Dillinger material comes from the archive of papers of attorney Frederick Steiger who prosecuted Dillinger after his first arrest in September 1924. The collection features a range of documents, including John Dillinger's signed affidavit detailing the crime, 13 signed witness statements documenting his activities that day, and other materials related to the case, including a signed admission of guilt: "We had decided that we would rob Mr. Morgan that night."  (Estimate: $20,000+)

Finally, there is a letter by Nikola Tesla on the success of his inventions. Dated February 27, 1909, the letter was sent by Tesla from his offices in New York City to Anita Drysdale Hawkins, a friend, and employee at his Wardenclyffe plant. In it, Tesla discusses the departure of a troublesome guest and comments on the success of his innovative work. (Estimate: $50,000+)

The Fine Autographs and Artifacts auction ends April 12.