October 12, 2015 | Rebecca Rego Barry

Beautiful Gregynog Press Book at Auction

DSCN0894 copy.jpgComing to auction this week at the UK-based auction house Cheffins is this beautifully bound private press book with illustrations by Welsh artist Kyffin Williams. The title is Two Old Men and Other Stories by Kate Roberts, and this is one of a few special morocco-bound copies by bookbinder Desmond Shaw, with the cover design and illustrations by Williams. This copy belonged to Shaw, from an overall edition of 250 copies, still in its original velvetine-lined book box, published by the Gregynog Press in 1981. According to Cheffins, the book is offered together with letters and draft designs from the publishers to the binder and carries an estimate of £600-1,000 ($920-1,500).

Image Courtesy of Cheffins.