Fairs | August 14, 2011 | Rebecca Rego Barry

Baltimore Summer Antiques & Books

Seventy antiquarian booksellers--Adrian Harrington Rare Books, Between the Covers, Brian Cassidy, and Quill & Brush, to name a few--will be on hand at this year's Baltimore Summer Antiques Show coming up Aug. 25-28 at the Baltimore Convention Center.

Twain-Imperial.jpgImperial Rare Books is bringing this very handsome set of Twain in twenty-five volumes (seen above). It is the autograph edition of which this is #260 of five hundred with a tipped-in signed note by Twain. Bound in full olive green calf with gilt edging. The price tag: $22,500.

29-1510 Blumenthal books.jpgM.S. Rau Antiques is highlighting its leatherbound six-volume set of books that catalogues the collection of George and Florence Blumenthal, well-heeled Jazz Age collectors of paintings, sculptures, furniture, drawings, and more. Printed in 1926 in an edition of two hundred, this is #162. Priced at $3,850.

Beyond books, five hundred other exhibitors will show furniture, silver, art, porcelain, jewelry, glass, textiles, and more. A full exhibitor list is here: http://www.baltimoresummerantiques.com/Exhibitor_List_2010.asp