November 29, 2012 |
Ann Patchett's Bookshop "Thriving"

Instead of attempting to compete with the "superstores" of Barnes and Noble, which average 26,000 square feet, Patchett opened a smaller, community-focused bookshop in a strip mall a few miles from downtown. Parnassus books only occupies 3,150 feet but put down a healthy 2 million in sales last year.
Patchett has a business partner to manage the daily operation of the store but stops by and plays "literary matchmaker" every other day in between writing sessions.
Of course, it helps Parnassus that Patchett is a renowned author able to draw national press coverage, but she is really only a representative of a wider trend in independent bookselling. The head of the American Bookselling Association said that in the past three years more independent bookshops have opened than closed.
Let's hope that encouraging trend continues.
[Images of Patchett from Wikipedia]