51st Stuttgart Antiquarian Book Fair
51st Stuttgart Antiquarian Book Fair 27th to 29th January 2012
A very attractive and high-class offer by 80 exhibitors from Germany, France, Italy, Great Britain, the USA, Austria, the Netherlands, Switzerland and Hungary: The 51st Stuttgart Antiquarian Book Fair - organized by the German Antiquarian Booksellers’ Association (VDA) and officially supported by the International League of Antiquarian Booksellers (ILAB) - will be held on the last weekend of January, in the elegant rooms of the Wu?rttemberg Art Museum, opposite to the Palace, next to the Palace Garden and directly in the city centre of Stuttgart. Alberto Govi from Modena, Adam Bosze from Budapest, Alessandro Meda Riquier from London, and also several young colleagues like Dr. Dasa Pahor, Winfried Kuhn, Elvira Tasbach, das Rote Antiquariat and Rainer Schlicht are among the newcomers to the fair this year. They will be contributing to the diversity of the Stuttgart Antiquarian Book Fair with prestigious manuscripts, unique autographs, beautiful prints, magnificent bindings and rare masterpieces from more than 500 years of book art and printing.
Beauty for the eye and the intellect
From the masters of medieval book illumination to avant-garde, Galileo Galilei next to Marcel Proust, Thomas Bernhard and James Bond, Maria Sibylla Merian's colourful flower studies, woodcuts of classical modernism and the meditative art of ukyioe-e besides modern minimalism, incunabula, artist books, autographs, manuscripts, first editions. Middle Ages and modernity, science and aesthetics, beauty for the eye and the intellect: The fascination of collecting lies in the manifold subjects, and therein lies the charm of the 51st Stuttgart Antiquarian Book Fair.
Some highlights:
A sumptous Bolognese bible for Carmelites, written shortly after 1300 and illuminated by Jacopino da Reggio with richly coloured borders in full column height, medaillions and initials can be admired in Heribert Tenschert’s showcase. The Biblia Latina is a prime example of Bolognese book illumination which influenced Italian book decoration, and, via Prague, that of large parts of northern Europe (850,000 ??).
Napoleon’s copy of McPherson's "Ossian", printed in Paris in 1777 and bound in morocco with the arms of Napoleon, is offered by Fons Blavus (150,000 ??). On all journeys and campaigns the Emperor carried this book with him and he used to read from it to his entourage.
Milestones in medicine. In his "Canterbury Tales", Geoffrey Chaucer names him as one of three authorities of medicine: Bernard de Gordon's "Lilium medicinae" in a southern French parchment manuscript from the hand of the Master Peter Rastellus from 1332 is one of the earliest textual evidence of this important work (Inlibris 185,000 ??).
Two Arab manuscripts, describing human diseases from head to toe is offered by Giuseppe Solmi (7,500 ?? and 2,500 ??). And the London bookseller Meda Riquier will be showing Andreas Vesalius' “De humani corporis fabrica libri septem", printed 1555 in Basel, with over 200 woodcuts, one of the largest and most important books in the field of early anatomy (59,000 ??).
Exact science? Superstition? Witchcraft? The highlights of the Antiquariat Löcker move in this border area with the rare first edition of an important handbook on witchcraft, written by a monk of the Milanese Ambrosian Order, Francesco Maria Guazzo in1608. (6,000 ??), and the so-called "Vinculum Salomonis", scrolls with magical diagrams and symbols, seals and figures, drawn in different coloured ink and gold (5.600 ??).
The exact sciences are represented by Wagner's "Pharmaceutisches-medicinische Botanik" (Schumann 35,000 ??), Knorr's "Deliciae naturae selectae" (Neidhardt 26,000 ??) or Esper’s famous treatise on butterflies (Junk 18,000 ??). Gerhard Gruber, who has recently published a catalogue “Von Vitruv bis Navier” on the history of architecture, will be bringing the important “De urbibus, arcibus, casstelisque condensis” by Albrecht Du?rer, printed in 1535. And the Libreria Editrice Goriziana will be showing Piranesi’s magnificient “Veduti di Roma” (44,000 ??).
Baroque beauty
At the Stuttgart Fair 2012, several exceptional bindings will be shown: a "Communion-Buch", published in 1757, in a lavish silver binding decorated with floral motifs is offered by Neidhardt (6,900 ??). Löcker shows tiny baroque book art: one of the few surviving miniature bibles (ca. 5,4 x 4,2 cm) with 263 copper plates in a wonderful contemporary, painted vellum binding. (5,400 ??).
Dogs on sleds
Avant-garde and surrealism is one of the focal points of this year’s fair. The “Carte Surrealiste” - with dogs on sleds and other surrealistic miracles - is offered by Eckert & Kaun (2,200 ??), Linke will be showing “Au 125 du boulevard Saint-Germain” with an original etching by Max Ernst (20,000 ?? ) and also the avantgarde magazine RAY of which its title says that it is “the most beautiful / the most expensive magazine in the world” (9,800 ??).
Herbert Blank presents Vergil's "Eclogen", marvellously illustrated by Aristide Maillol (24,000 ??), while Braecklein offers one of the classics of German literature in the very rare first edition: Grimmelshausen's "Simplicissimus" from the year 1683-1684 (32,000 ??).
Dogs pulling sleds is a less artistic - and more realistic - view on travel and exploration. This year, Brockhaus / Antiquarium has focused on Polar travel, offering, among other polar items, Wally Herbert’s portfolio “Opposite Poles”, which was published in only 40 numbered copies containing 20 signed lithographs by the explorer (4,000 ??). Warmer weather could be expected in the regions described by de Bry’s famous “Collectiones Peregrinationum in Indiam Occidentalem”. This Renaissance masterwork, rarely found complete, is showcased by Patzer & Trenkle (90,000 ??). Only 20 years later Amatis’ “Relation Und gru?ndtlicher Bericht von de? Königreichs Voxu in Japonischen Keyserthumb” was published, one of the very view and very rare early travel accounts from Japan which had been closed to foreign visitors for many years (Reiss & Sohn 12,000 ??). Forum takes up the Eastern motif with Carl Ludwig Blume's "Collection of orchidées les plus Remarquables de l'Archipel India et du Japon" with over 70 hand-colored plates of Asian orchids (17,500 ??).
Omai's handwriting
Omai, a young man from the island Ra'iatea was the first Pacific Islander to visit Europe. In August 1773 he went aboard the HMS Adventure in Huahine, Tahiti, a ship accompying James Cook on his second Pacific voyage. In Europe, "Prince" Omai was introduced into society, meeting the British Royal Family. He returned to his island in 1776, during Cook’s third voyage. Probably the only existing document that contains a sample of Omai’s handwriting can be admired at Ralf Eigl’ stand (75,000 ??). Also on display at Eigl are the magnificent plates for Adalbert Berg’s "Preussische Expedition nach Ost-Asien” (59,000 ??) and the very important first English edition of Urey Lisianskys "Voyage round the World" 37,000 ??). Mercator’s monumental atlas in the 1606 Hondius edition is one of the many highlights of Libreria Alberto Govi (55,000 ??).
"A qualified return to the gold standard would be practicable for most
This is not a headline from the Wall Street Journal or the “Spiegel” but a quote from a letter by John Maynard Keynes to the American journalist William Hillman (Kotte 5,000 ??). A few years earlier, Karl Marx wrote on a similar, and similarly topical subject: "Tooke. A history of prices from 1839-1847". This manuscript contains the sum of his critique of political economy (Kotte 68,000 ??). Author Johannes von Guenther’s guest book is a mirror of the avant-garde society of the 1920ies and 1930ies. His friends including Michael Kuzmin, Vsevolod Meyerhold, Alexander Block, Serge and Serge Sudeikin Tretiakow immortalized themselves in this decorative item presented by VDA President Eberhard Koestler (12,000 ??).
Book Fair Catalogue
As every year, there is a printed catalogue, in which each exhibitor shows a few of his highlights to whet the collector’s appetite. The catalogue can be ordered in printed form or it can be browsed in the Internet.
The Beauty of Books - Artists Books
Round panel discussion with Akka von Lucius (collector of artists’ books), Annette Kulenkampff (director of Hatje & Cantz Publishers) and Simone Schimpf (director of the Stuttgart Art Museum) Wednesday, January 18th, 2012, at the Literaturhaus / Stuttgart
A Private Collector Opens His Library - Thomas Mann - Dedication Copies
For more than thirty years Achim Hall has been collecting signed copies, autograph letters and dedication copies by Thomas Mann and his family. On the occasion of the 51st Stuttgart Antiquarian Book Fair he opens his library and presents the most prestigious items of his collection in an exhibition during the Fair, accompanied by a richly illustrated catalogue which documents the remarkable collection and tells the stories of the persons and historical events behind the dedication copies.
Exhibition at the Wu?rttemberger Kunstverein (Art Museum), during the book fair hours
Catalogue (German)
Ein Privatsammler stellt seine Bibliothek vor. Achim Hall.
Auf fliegendem Vorsatz. Widmungen von Thomas Mann. Verband Deutscher Antiquare e.V. 2012. Ca.
112 pp. 40 Illustrations. ISBN 978-9812223-7-1 (20 ??)
Vernissage and lecture
The Saturday evening is dedicated to Thomas Mann and his dedication copies with a lecture by Dr. Dirk Hei?erer and the official presentation of the exhibition and the catalogue.
51st Stuttgart Antiquarian Book Fair
27th - 29th January 2012
Wu?rttembergischer Kunstverein (Schlo?platz 2)
Opening hours
Friday 11 am - 7.30 pm, Saturday and Sunday 11 am - 6 pm
Verband Deutscher Antiquare e.V.
Seeblick 1
D-56435 Elbingen
Phone +49 6435 909147
For more detailed information please visit the completely re-designed official website
>>> www.stuttgarter-antiquariatsmesse.de

A very attractive and high-class offer by 80 exhibitors from Germany, France, Italy, Great Britain, the USA, Austria, the Netherlands, Switzerland and Hungary: The 51st Stuttgart Antiquarian Book Fair - organized by the German Antiquarian Booksellers’ Association (VDA) and officially supported by the International League of Antiquarian Booksellers (ILAB) - will be held on the last weekend of January, in the elegant rooms of the Wu?rttemberg Art Museum, opposite to the Palace, next to the Palace Garden and directly in the city centre of Stuttgart. Alberto Govi from Modena, Adam Bosze from Budapest, Alessandro Meda Riquier from London, and also several young colleagues like Dr. Dasa Pahor, Winfried Kuhn, Elvira Tasbach, das Rote Antiquariat and Rainer Schlicht are among the newcomers to the fair this year. They will be contributing to the diversity of the Stuttgart Antiquarian Book Fair with prestigious manuscripts, unique autographs, beautiful prints, magnificent bindings and rare masterpieces from more than 500 years of book art and printing.
Beauty for the eye and the intellect
From the masters of medieval book illumination to avant-garde, Galileo Galilei next to Marcel Proust, Thomas Bernhard and James Bond, Maria Sibylla Merian's colourful flower studies, woodcuts of classical modernism and the meditative art of ukyioe-e besides modern minimalism, incunabula, artist books, autographs, manuscripts, first editions. Middle Ages and modernity, science and aesthetics, beauty for the eye and the intellect: The fascination of collecting lies in the manifold subjects, and therein lies the charm of the 51st Stuttgart Antiquarian Book Fair.
Some highlights:
A sumptous Bolognese bible for Carmelites, written shortly after 1300 and illuminated by Jacopino da Reggio with richly coloured borders in full column height, medaillions and initials can be admired in Heribert Tenschert’s showcase. The Biblia Latina is a prime example of Bolognese book illumination which influenced Italian book decoration, and, via Prague, that of large parts of northern Europe (850,000 ??).
Napoleon’s copy of McPherson's "Ossian", printed in Paris in 1777 and bound in morocco with the arms of Napoleon, is offered by Fons Blavus (150,000 ??). On all journeys and campaigns the Emperor carried this book with him and he used to read from it to his entourage.
Milestones in medicine. In his "Canterbury Tales", Geoffrey Chaucer names him as one of three authorities of medicine: Bernard de Gordon's "Lilium medicinae" in a southern French parchment manuscript from the hand of the Master Peter Rastellus from 1332 is one of the earliest textual evidence of this important work (Inlibris 185,000 ??).
Two Arab manuscripts, describing human diseases from head to toe is offered by Giuseppe Solmi (7,500 ?? and 2,500 ??). And the London bookseller Meda Riquier will be showing Andreas Vesalius' “De humani corporis fabrica libri septem", printed 1555 in Basel, with over 200 woodcuts, one of the largest and most important books in the field of early anatomy (59,000 ??).
Exact science? Superstition? Witchcraft? The highlights of the Antiquariat Löcker move in this border area with the rare first edition of an important handbook on witchcraft, written by a monk of the Milanese Ambrosian Order, Francesco Maria Guazzo in1608. (6,000 ??), and the so-called "Vinculum Salomonis", scrolls with magical diagrams and symbols, seals and figures, drawn in different coloured ink and gold (5.600 ??).
The exact sciences are represented by Wagner's "Pharmaceutisches-medicinische Botanik" (Schumann 35,000 ??), Knorr's "Deliciae naturae selectae" (Neidhardt 26,000 ??) or Esper’s famous treatise on butterflies (Junk 18,000 ??). Gerhard Gruber, who has recently published a catalogue “Von Vitruv bis Navier” on the history of architecture, will be bringing the important “De urbibus, arcibus, casstelisque condensis” by Albrecht Du?rer, printed in 1535. And the Libreria Editrice Goriziana will be showing Piranesi’s magnificient “Veduti di Roma” (44,000 ??).
Baroque beauty
At the Stuttgart Fair 2012, several exceptional bindings will be shown: a "Communion-Buch", published in 1757, in a lavish silver binding decorated with floral motifs is offered by Neidhardt (6,900 ??). Löcker shows tiny baroque book art: one of the few surviving miniature bibles (ca. 5,4 x 4,2 cm) with 263 copper plates in a wonderful contemporary, painted vellum binding. (5,400 ??).
Dogs on sleds
Avant-garde and surrealism is one of the focal points of this year’s fair. The “Carte Surrealiste” - with dogs on sleds and other surrealistic miracles - is offered by Eckert & Kaun (2,200 ??), Linke will be showing “Au 125 du boulevard Saint-Germain” with an original etching by Max Ernst (20,000 ?? ) and also the avantgarde magazine RAY of which its title says that it is “the most beautiful / the most expensive magazine in the world” (9,800 ??).
Herbert Blank presents Vergil's "Eclogen", marvellously illustrated by Aristide Maillol (24,000 ??), while Braecklein offers one of the classics of German literature in the very rare first edition: Grimmelshausen's "Simplicissimus" from the year 1683-1684 (32,000 ??).
Dogs pulling sleds is a less artistic - and more realistic - view on travel and exploration. This year, Brockhaus / Antiquarium has focused on Polar travel, offering, among other polar items, Wally Herbert’s portfolio “Opposite Poles”, which was published in only 40 numbered copies containing 20 signed lithographs by the explorer (4,000 ??). Warmer weather could be expected in the regions described by de Bry’s famous “Collectiones Peregrinationum in Indiam Occidentalem”. This Renaissance masterwork, rarely found complete, is showcased by Patzer & Trenkle (90,000 ??). Only 20 years later Amatis’ “Relation Und gru?ndtlicher Bericht von de? Königreichs Voxu in Japonischen Keyserthumb” was published, one of the very view and very rare early travel accounts from Japan which had been closed to foreign visitors for many years (Reiss & Sohn 12,000 ??). Forum takes up the Eastern motif with Carl Ludwig Blume's "Collection of orchidées les plus Remarquables de l'Archipel India et du Japon" with over 70 hand-colored plates of Asian orchids (17,500 ??).
Omai's handwriting
Omai, a young man from the island Ra'iatea was the first Pacific Islander to visit Europe. In August 1773 he went aboard the HMS Adventure in Huahine, Tahiti, a ship accompying James Cook on his second Pacific voyage. In Europe, "Prince" Omai was introduced into society, meeting the British Royal Family. He returned to his island in 1776, during Cook’s third voyage. Probably the only existing document that contains a sample of Omai’s handwriting can be admired at Ralf Eigl’ stand (75,000 ??). Also on display at Eigl are the magnificent plates for Adalbert Berg’s "Preussische Expedition nach Ost-Asien” (59,000 ??) and the very important first English edition of Urey Lisianskys "Voyage round the World" 37,000 ??). Mercator’s monumental atlas in the 1606 Hondius edition is one of the many highlights of Libreria Alberto Govi (55,000 ??).
"A qualified return to the gold standard would be practicable for most
This is not a headline from the Wall Street Journal or the “Spiegel” but a quote from a letter by John Maynard Keynes to the American journalist William Hillman (Kotte 5,000 ??). A few years earlier, Karl Marx wrote on a similar, and similarly topical subject: "Tooke. A history of prices from 1839-1847". This manuscript contains the sum of his critique of political economy (Kotte 68,000 ??). Author Johannes von Guenther’s guest book is a mirror of the avant-garde society of the 1920ies and 1930ies. His friends including Michael Kuzmin, Vsevolod Meyerhold, Alexander Block, Serge and Serge Sudeikin Tretiakow immortalized themselves in this decorative item presented by VDA President Eberhard Koestler (12,000 ??).
Book Fair Catalogue
As every year, there is a printed catalogue, in which each exhibitor shows a few of his highlights to whet the collector’s appetite. The catalogue can be ordered in printed form or it can be browsed in the Internet.
The Beauty of Books - Artists Books
Round panel discussion with Akka von Lucius (collector of artists’ books), Annette Kulenkampff (director of Hatje & Cantz Publishers) and Simone Schimpf (director of the Stuttgart Art Museum) Wednesday, January 18th, 2012, at the Literaturhaus / Stuttgart
A Private Collector Opens His Library - Thomas Mann - Dedication Copies
For more than thirty years Achim Hall has been collecting signed copies, autograph letters and dedication copies by Thomas Mann and his family. On the occasion of the 51st Stuttgart Antiquarian Book Fair he opens his library and presents the most prestigious items of his collection in an exhibition during the Fair, accompanied by a richly illustrated catalogue which documents the remarkable collection and tells the stories of the persons and historical events behind the dedication copies.
Exhibition at the Wu?rttemberger Kunstverein (Art Museum), during the book fair hours
Catalogue (German)
Ein Privatsammler stellt seine Bibliothek vor. Achim Hall.
Auf fliegendem Vorsatz. Widmungen von Thomas Mann. Verband Deutscher Antiquare e.V. 2012. Ca.
112 pp. 40 Illustrations. ISBN 978-9812223-7-1 (20 ??)
Vernissage and lecture
The Saturday evening is dedicated to Thomas Mann and his dedication copies with a lecture by Dr. Dirk Hei?erer and the official presentation of the exhibition and the catalogue.
51st Stuttgart Antiquarian Book Fair
27th - 29th January 2012
Wu?rttembergischer Kunstverein (Schlo?platz 2)
Opening hours
Friday 11 am - 7.30 pm, Saturday and Sunday 11 am - 6 pm
Verband Deutscher Antiquare e.V.
Seeblick 1
D-56435 Elbingen
Phone +49 6435 909147
For more detailed information please visit the completely re-designed official website
>>> www.stuttgarter-antiquariatsmesse.de