Strength in Numbers: The CanLit community

Monday, January 27th, 2020 - Friday, May 1st, 2020

Atwood, Ondaatje, Gallant, Davies. These names are familiar to anyone with even a passing interest in Canadian literature. But the writers are only one aspect of the CanLit story. As Graeme Gibson once remarked, the notion that writers function best in isolation is nonsense – rather, there is "strength in numbers." The writers, of course, are paramount, but the community includes so many others: editors, publishers, illustrators, marketers and booksellers are just a sampling of the individuals that make up the broad network of Canadian publishing. Drawing on the library’s rich archival material, this exhibition will explore how CanLit and Canadian publishing have been shaped by our diverse community.

Mon - Wed & Fri 9am - 5pm
Thu 9am - 8pm
Sat & Sun CLOSED

Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library
120 St. George Street

Toronto, ON CANADA

43.6640736, -79.3989838

Strength in Numbers: The CanLit community