Book People

"I was terribly saddened to learn of the death of John Dunning," writes
The founding, organization, and expansion of a major American university library over more than three centuries is the focus of I Give These Books: The History of Yale University Library 1656 -
A total of 47 grants totaling $6,510,701 have been awarded to projects in 27 states and the District of Columbia to improve public access to historical records by the
Our Bright Young Librarians series continues today with Kathryn Reuter of the University of Iowa:
Heritage Auctions is seeking a Rare Books Cataloguer and Writer to join its dedicated team of bibliophiles.
It was 1895, and it was then that Edward Sheriff Curtis took his first portraits of a Native American. The princess was Kikisoblu, the eldest daughter of Chief Sealth, for whom Seattle is named.
Where others see an empty bookcase, Thatcher Wine sees a blank canvas. Wine, who runs Juniper Books in Boulder, Colorado, creates custom-designed book jackets.
Serendipity Books in Berkeley, California, housed hundreds of thousands of books in its heyday.
Four years ago the Empire Marketing Board wasn’t in existence, now, you can go nowhere without being reminded of its influence,” wrote an unidentified female correspondent.
William Safire was a man of many careers: Pulitzer Prize–winning columnist, presidential speechwriter, reporter, public relations executive, novelist, lexicographer, and philanthropist—all of which