The Schoole of Skil: Containing Two Bookes: the first, of the sphere, of heaven, of the starres, of their orbes, and of the earth, &c… (1599) by Thomas Hill
A Discoverie of Sundrie Errours and Faults Daily Committed by Lande-meaters (1582) by Edward Worsop
The Description and Use of the Sphaere Devided into Three Principal Partes… (1613) by Edward Wright
The Moste Profitable and Commendable Science, of Surveying of Lands, Tenementes, and Hereditamentes… (1592) by Valentine Leigh
A Booke Named Tectonicon, briefly shewing the exact measuring, and spedie reckoning all maner of land, squares, timber, stone, steeples, pillers, globes, &c... (1592) by Leonard Digges
A Prognostication Everlasting of Right Good Effect, fruitfully augmented by the Author… (1596) by Leonard Digges
The Use of the Celestial Globe in Plano, Set Foorth in Two Hemispheres… (1590) by Thomas Hood
The Use of the Two Mathematicall Instrumentes, the Crosse Staffe, (differing from that in common use with the Mariners:) And the Iacobs Staffe:… (1590) by Thomas Hood
A New Handling of the Planisphere, Divided into Three Sections. In the first is a plaine and sensible explication of the circles of the Sphere… (1601) by Thomas Oliver. This too was singled out by the auctioneer as particularly scarce, with the last copy appearing at auction eighteen years ago.
The volume is conservatively expected to realize £20,000-30,000 ($26,000-39,000) at auction next month.
“Each book is rare and some of them very, very rare,” Chris Albury of Dominic Winter Auctioneers, told the Daily Mail. “I don't know if my estimate will turn out to be a massive underestimate but it's certainly very special.”