Fairs | May 18, 2022 | Alex Johnson

Antiquarian Book Fairs Summer 2022: UK Edition

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Although the book fairs in London tend to receive the most attention, there are many more around the UK run under the auspices of the Provincial Booksellers Fairs Association (PBFA).
Each is of course unique, but generally you can expect all of them to offer secondhand and antiquarian books, literary ephemera, maps, and prints, at a range of prices and featuring dealers from around the country. Some also hold events with local authors.
Here are the main ones coming up over the next six months. Even if you have visited them before, please do check the venue details as several of the fairs have moved to new locations for 2022:
Lincoln: May 15, 10am-4pm, The White Hart Hotel, Bailgate

Scottish Borders: May 21, 10am-4.30pm, Corn Exchange, Market Square, Melrose

Stratford-upon-Avon: June 4, 10am-4pm, Crowne Plaza Hotel, Bridgefoot

Edinburgh: June 11, 10am-4pm, Augustine Church Hall, 41 George IV Bridge

Abergavenny: June 25, 10am-4pm, The Priory Centre, St Mary's Priory

Northampton: July 9, 10am-4pm, The St Thomas Centre at Northampton Cathedral, Kingsthorpe Road

Ilkley: July 29-30, 12 noon-6pm (29), 10am-4pm (30), King's Hall & Winter Garden, Station Road

Topsham: August 7, 10.30am-4pm, Mattthews Hall, Fore Street, Topsham, Exeter, Devon

Bakewell: August 13, 10am-4pm, Bakewell Agricultural Centre, Agricultural Way, Haddon Road

Wilton: August 21, 10.30am-4pm, The Michael Herbert Hall, South Street, Wilton, Wiltshire

Additionally, the big Edinburgh International Book Festival will be held August 13-29.

And, in case you missed it yesterday, here’s a list of US fairs scheduled for this summer.